What 2023 has taught me

Happy New Year and onto another year of tackling the crazy world in a creative small business.

2023 brought changes to the game that will revolutionise the way we do business. From the introduction of more and more AI to the forever changing content landscape. But for me it was about finding ways to learn how to be better in business. Let’s dive into what 2023 taught me and some tips on where to start learning in 2024:

Where to find content education that’s actually educational content?

To be blunt, there can be a lot of sh*t on social media; but how do we filter through the BS?

In 2023 I have tried to find ways to regulate the amount of business related content I consume.

Now, don’t take that as “consuming less”. Find channels for your education that serve a purpose. For example rather than getting stuck in a doom scroll, find a smaller group of creators that you resonate with and take notes! This will help with that overwhelming feeling at the very least.

A few people in the business space that I love following are Gary Vaynerchuk (USA), Davie Fogarty (AUS) and Laura Higgins (AUS).


You’ve heard of the doom scroll, but have you heard of the doom save?

As content consumers we can get stuck in the doom scroll and enter the Instagram abyss. FYI, doom scrolling is that mindless swipe up on the 30th reel when you know you need to be doing literally anything else.

What can be worse is clicking the save button on a piece of good content and thinking “I’ll watch it in full later”.


Narrator: “He didn’t watch it later..”

I am certainly guilty of the doom save. In 2024 my aim is to save more helpful content.


Have a place where you jot down notes:
Who is the creator?
Why is it good content?
How am I going to apply it?

This is the first step to actively implementing the golden nuggets you find.


Mentors, Mentors, Mentors:

Starting the business in 2020, I had absolutely no idea where to begin. With lessons everyday I am proud to keep building my little side hustle. The key to more growth is surrounding yourself with good people; both in your personal and professional lives.

With the personal ticked off, I have prioritised building positive relationships with people in my niche and in Geelong; especially with those that are ahead of me on their business timeline.

Through the power of social media I have been privileged enough to have had conversations and interactions with some great creatives across the globe. Surprisingly, people are seeking opportunities to chat about what they have learnt and passing it on.

For me I’d like to thank Dan Callaghan (UK) and Danielle Weber (AUS) for the time they have given me throughout 2023. They are industry leaders in resonating with their audiences online.

Click their names to check out their art!

Paid courses and mentorships are WORTH the investment.

Not all information is free; as good as social media and YouTube videos can be, we can get stuck in a spiral of content that doesn’t flow or scaffold your learning (cheeky little teacher reference).

I have invested in paid courses, one even outside of the conventional education systems we have in the world.

Again, find people that you resonate with and take a punt on yourself. Send me a DM on Instagram if you want to more info on the courses I have bought. *Trust me, I am not on commission for these but I have been in the same place, struggling to find trustworthy places for learning.

Hope this helps and happy learning in 2024!

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